Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Becoming An Adult

My eldest son and I had our regular one-on-one today. As always, I am on the lookout for one liners! True enough, he posted this question to me "When is a child considered an adult?"

Profound eh! Caught me off guard too! Since he's already 10, I asked him for his own thoughts. Well, what do you know, he answered his own question with such depth I am convinced he stands to trek a bright future ahead for him.

Consider the following answers he made; A child is considered an adult when;

1. Old enough to know right from wrong;
2. Old enough to make their own decision;
3. When a person is 20 years old.
4. Old enough to leave their parents
5. Smart enough for adult questions;
6. Able to understand adult words!

Now, how's that for a 10 year old mind!

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