Monday, July 21, 2014

Two Inspiring Stories

What could be a draggy monday could end up as one of my best probably. Why? Because of two stories, here goes-

1. I don't know why I managed to pull over a gas station and decided to buy a tabloid. But this small decision led me to re-examine my life yet again. Read through an article about this lady cycling enthusiast whos based here. Her goal is attempt to cycle across america. Her story made me realize that I need to go move again!

2. Rummaging thru my FB, I chanced upon a relative who's been through trials as well. What she ended up doing is to run her way around her personal issues and ended up achieving some feats for herself. Made me realize that there are ways for people to face problems in life. Some end in misery and run away. Some face it squarely and doggedly pursue ways to deal with it.

Again, its a choice.

I have made mine.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014 blog summary

I may need to revive my writing by revisiting my blogs. Recap to 2014 which whisk by so fast !

On the 1st quarter of this year, its been a testy part of my life. Been through the woods. I can probably piece it together now with the rear view mirror behind me. In my business life or career, it is smooth sailing. In my personal life, its challenge left and right. Thank God its over!

Second quarter is more stability. The best word to describe it. I've sailed to calmer waters now. Still rough patches here and there. But the big storm has gone past. God really is IN CONTROL!

Third quarter just unfolded. Focus. This is the word to describe this too. Its time to revisit and re-examine ALL of what I am doing, or what Ive done, try to focus on 1 or 2 things, push hard and wait for the results.


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