Thursday, April 17, 2008

Personal Mission Statement

I am currently attending a two day workshop on Franklin Covey's 7 Habits of Effective People. One assignment for us is to create our own personal misson statement. I have created mine.


Mission: I have only 1 life to live. Therefore;

With God's help and guidance, I will be a Christian Husband, Family Man, and Businessman. I will use every resource God provides me to carry out His work on earth as set forth below.

I will continuously shape and mold my character and be soaked in the WORD, so that I can influence others, encourage the lost, inspire the young and lead those close to me to live a fruitful life.

I will use my God-given spiritual gifts, skills and talents, including my resources, to create positive change in people's lives.

I will continuously rid my life of destructive habits, consciously cultivating new, good and positive ones.

I will focus on others, look things at others point of view, be a friend and role model for my kids, immediate and distant family members.

Values: These are the things I will stand for, my values I will be recognized for. I will:

1.Work hard, in all that I do. (Col 3:23)
2.Give my best effort, in every task. (1 Thes 4:14)
3.Be open, to the direction of the Holy Spirit wherever that may lead. (John 14:26)
4.Enthusiastically approach new challenges and all else I do. (2 Cor 9:2)
5.Live by Christian principles. In all things I will try to make Christ's ethics and morals my own. (Rom 2:7-8)
6.Be open, honest, and generous. (2 Cor 9:11)
7.Be careful with words and actions. (James 1:26)
8.Seek the counsel of others frequently and thoughtfully. (Prov 15:22)
9.Never be satisfied with the status quo. I will be a change agent. (Rom 15:20)
10.Seek to improve and grow those around and beneath me in work and all other areas. (1 Thes 5:14)
11.Not seek my own glory, I will seek to honor God and have praise be given to those around me. (Rom 15:5-6)
13.Never take things too seriously but have a great time in everything, continually enjoying God's blessings. (Jam 4:13-15)

Goals: The things I will accomplish, my goals.


1. Write a book. To describe and explain how God has taught me through life for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
2. Give portion of all I earn to charity: church, missions, and other Christian organizations.
3. Be in the Word of God. I will be in the Word on a daily basis. I will read the Bible through at least once each year.
4. Memorize Scripture. I will add to my repertoire at least ten new verses each year.
5. Continue to read-I will read at least five significant books each year.
6. Continue to learn-I will pick up at least one new topic, sport, field, or craft per year.
7. Continue to teach-I will teach at least one class each year.
8. Fast one day per week. For the spiritual health and protection of my family and children.
9. Do sports and exercise regularly, at least 2 to 3 times per week.
10.Lead weekly Bible Study
11.Assist others in bringing to Christ. Pr to a much greater degree of Christian maturity.
12.Be an elder at my congregation at which we worship.


1. Make my marriage an example of that laid out in the Scriptures. I will be a one-woman man seeking the growth of my wife. I will assist her in the duties of our household, date her regularly, and cherish her always.
2. Have all my children make personal commitments of faith to Christ, publicly demonstrating their new life through baptism. Play an active role in leading them into Christian maturity.
3. Provide financially for my wife, children, and grandchildren.
4. Spend quality and quantity time with my children while they are young. On average, I will dedicate at least 10 hrs/wk to personal time with them.


1. Generate substantial wealth for my employer.
2. Become a full fledged director of TI. I will do so while maintaining my values and ethics.
3. Give my best in every negotiation, situation and problem solving opportunity while exercising my gifts GOD has given me.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Art of War

If you've read the book, hope you can recall these ideas espoused by the author for thousands of years:

1. Prevent conflicts before they arise;
2. Resolve them when they do;
3. Act with courage, intelligence and benevolence in conflict situations;
4. Convert potential enemies into friends and
5. Control your emotions before they control you.

What does these boil down to? Specifically, what character traits in a leader shapes these actions and decisions? I can name a few:

1. Maturity - i.e to assess situations, and act on both head and heart!
2. Boldness - i.e possessing the passion to make timely decisions and standing by it.
3. Proactiveness - ability to look ahead, visualize and prevent issues before they happen.


Quality Principles and Leadership: Parallelism?

Do you agree there is parallelism??
In any industry, a resident quality organization always exist. The trick is - how effective that organization spells the success - or failure - of a company.

And in reality, quality principles remains the same. No matter what industry you are in be it manufacturing, sales, logistics, medical, construction, design etc.

And there are always these components being balanced by the quality manager namely:

(A) Robust Quality system to describe SOP, standards and specifications;
(B) Solid processes and their interactions to accomplishing business objectives and customer satisfaction indices
(3) Management responsibilities to drive improvements over time.

The key factor however is people.

How effective are people in adhering to the standards or specs? How compliant are they to executing the processes to achieve customer satisfaction? How dedicated and passionate management is to handle all these events and still retain the ability to make key decisions.

In many ways, these principles mimic leadership.

At the core of leadership is character, integrity and force of will (Passion). Take away one component and you have ineffective leadership.


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