Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Universal Laws

While rummaging thru powerful speeches in the history of my country, I was reminded to refresh myself on the power of Universal laws that governs any relationship or dealings. First pass research result is here:

1. Law Of Cause and effect. (For every problem there is a cause and a solution)
2. Law Of Increase. (Sowing the seeds and reaping the fruit.)
3. Law Of Attraction. (Like begets like. Opposites attract?)

And to cap it all, I like the "Be" Attitudes elaboratin the principle of sowing and reaping here.

loving love
gentle gentleness
patient patience
friendly friendship
merciful mercy
truthful truth
hopeful hope
faithful faith
good goodness
joyful joy
peaceful peace
humble humbleness
harmonious harmony
content contentment
honest honesty
appreciative appreciation
just justice
forgiving forgiveness


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