Friday, September 07, 2018

Out with the old, in with the new

Life is all about changes. Today, a new leash of life has been opened. Met my new boss. Thus out with the old and in with the new. Some realizations as I ponder on this change.

1. Nothing new under the sun. No matter how inventive, innovative, cutting edge an idea may seem, it is is only good for its time. Once passe, then a new (old) idea will take over it.

2.  Everyone is dispensable. Hence, no one is indispensable. No matter how big a contribution you make to your company, end of the day you are still but just 1 asset. An employee. A worker. Beholden to shareholders, to stakeholders, to the customer.

3.  Cultivate relationship. After all, when all is said and done, we are all human after a day of work.

4.  Tolerate each other. Strip someone of all whims, fancies, pecularities and one finds a beating heart, a feeling soul. So no matter how rough a person maybe, tolerate him/her. One is appreciated for putting up with.

5. Leave something beyond yourself. When ones tenure is up, whats left is what you have done for someone. Have you defended them? have you coached them? Have they learned a thing or two about your life, your passion, your dreams and aspirations?

6.  When the going gets tough, take a break. No matter how tough a day's work is, there ought to be time to enjoy each others company, lick the wounds, and smell the flowers outside of work.

More to come as I reflect!


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