Tuesday, May 05, 2015

101 - Potency

Barbaric-Civilized? Organized-Chaotic? Order-Mess?

Contrasting pictures. Of which brazen images populate our heads once someone blurts out those words. Perhaps our own doing or undoing, Perhaps conjured by our own 'upbringing' thru exposure to media, books, etc. Either way, we all have concepts how we ought to 'live and behave'.

I try to be philosophical for now. What is it to be Human? I will step back for a while.

Consider for one moment and lets observe babies. How they grow up nurtured, fed, dressed, entertained, exercised and most of all nursed. As they grow, parents introduce certain yes, no rules in their household. Babies grow learning the oven is hot, ice is cold, sugar is sweet, salt is well salty. Further down the road they get introduced to the outside world. Now they learn the street language and societal make up.

Question that baffles me is - how on earth would a person, from birth, being molded in the comforts of a home, could end up behaving in a manner that is unbecoming? Forgive me dear readers on my belief, but I blame parents for it all.

Parents, (absent or present) who showed the way for their kids the 'how to's in life. For it is impossible for a person, how he is molded and shaped, not to learn the tricks of the trade from someone (parents) without him or her conjuring the image from young.

The scripture resonates with a reinforcement on this point. The bible says "man by nature is sinful", "Parents need to 'train up a child in the way he should go'.

The question is - how can a parent show the way when they themselves don't know the way? The answer I think is enlightenment. And it comes in the form of how determined a person is in order to go thru this purification process.

The rule here is specific. Not to rinse or gargle in the presence of others. Reason? Uncivilized.

But before one human being can judge civility or otherwise on another, try walking in their shoes or slippers first. !

Its potent.

101stRinse not your mouth in the presence of others.

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