Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rex Regis

It's time.

It's time to apply what I've learned all these years. Learnings such as "leadership, communication, global mindset, systems procedures, processes, IT, high tech, people skills, supervisory skills, mission, vision, SWOT analysis, re-engineering, best practice, benchmarking, six sigma, TQM, TPM, lean etc etc", working in the coporate environment and will embark on a personal crusade. And no, not the socio-political-or spiritual likes you're thinking.

I have decided to pursue something which is more closer to home-personal business.
And the key is this, I have to match the business model to my strengths and weakness.

Which reminds me, the best decision a leader or entrepreneur can ever make is how to harness his/her strengths and convert them into results.



Carlo Maglinao said...

Go and conquer Makoy! What's your twitter account? add me @techbays.

Mark Boado said...

Wala pa. Exploring..Is is 'safe'?


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