Wednesday, December 13, 2006

7 Laws of the Learner

I visited a Christian Bookstore today and stumbled upon a book with above title. I was immediately hooked into browsing it!

Straightforward, practical with a catchy theme and most of all, timely. These are words I would use to describe the book. You might say, oh no, another book on teaching ?! True. However, as tons and tons of books have been written about teaching, I think none has been crafted just for the layman's need.

Structuring the topics/subjects into 7 'laws' puts ease of recollection, simplicity and coherence. I have not read the whole book. Given the chance, I will definitely post my comments. I was just hoping too I could find one in a nearby library. I would not mind putting time and effort to read and apply what it says.

After all, lifelong learning seems to be the buzzword these days.

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