Monday, December 18, 2006

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Yes! That is exactly the words of my 10-year old son!

This happened while we were cruising along an expressway. He blurted out those words while watching me steer the wheel. He has somehow caught my wandering eyes enjoying the view. ]

While reflecting, this event strikes a chord !

Come to think of it. Often, we cruise into life and along the way, starts to wander off course. For variety of reasons, we stumble into a new hobby or habit. Venture into unknown places. Indulge in new passion.

However, the reality is that everytime we engage ourselves chasing those pursuits, we ended up veering away off course from life's most important elements-family. At the end of the day, Stephen covey's take on this sounded truer than ever - "Begin with the end in mind".

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