Tuesday, April 28, 2015

105th - Humor's a Feast!

A good humor always breaks the ice! And if it is an iceberg that is out there, a superb joke can certainly shatter the cold spell into oblivion.

In this context, GW talks about manners in a dining table. And we often wonder how is it sitting in a dining room full of brash, harsh and ill mannered men in those days. Im sure no one wants to join a crowd where animosity and indifference reign.

The amazing thing is even after 250 years since inception, this rule still reverberates to our modern times. With the explosion of social media these days, a good humor (verbal), punchline and all has been replaced by 'updates, tweets, trending' and the like. Sad but man's physical presence in a conversation is slowly being replaced by our cyber presence, well at least in a society characterized by the influx of modern communication gadgets.

Are we losing our touch? Are we becoming a slave to tech? Are we consciously or unconsciously insulating ourselves from the very people whom we ought to interact? As 'iron sharpens iron', so does 'man sharpens man'.

What I intend to apply after reading this is to try to mingle as often, text less frequent, and speak to a stranger to even further my humanity. I hope you do too!

105thBe not angry at the table whatever happens & if you have reason to be so, show it not; put on a cheerful countenance especially if there be strangers, for good humor makes one dish of meat a feast'


Avril said...
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Avril said...

Now the author has posed a big challenge to many of us. For aren't we all ensnared in the claws of technology and lost in the mesh of cyberspace which has both undermined the beauty of human interaction? How can we experience genuine happiness if we dont see and hear laughter? Feel the hurt and pain if we dont see the tears? Feel the love if we cant see it through sincere eyes?Feel cared for without the assurance of a gentle touch. Human interaction is the only way we can bring back sensibility to ones self and others. I hope we all stand up to the challenge.


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