Tuesday, January 23, 2007


"Find a job you love and most happy about. Then you don't have to work for the rest of your life." Thus said the cliche...

But in reality, is this really true?

Better yet - "Should we be happy with what we do? Or we do what we do then we choose to be happy?

Your comments and thoughts!

1 comment:

PrfyVdlx said...

There is something called "first love" - that will be the basis of my comment.
We do what we love doing. Along the way, we may "learn" to like, and even, love, other things. We end up doing that new thing, many other new things, leaving the former. But further along, we tend to "remember" what we used to do - our "first love". And without second thought, we drop what we're currently doing to return to it.
This applies also to ministry. There is the "first love", which we would always return to, where we feel at home, even after trying out many other ministries. We may even thrive trying out other areas, but there is that one area, one ministry, where we are most effective, where we are most useful. That's our "first love".
We do what we love because we love doing it.


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