Monday, January 22, 2007

FAM of Leadership: Forget, Apologize and Move on

Businessweek ran a review article on the book ' What got you here won't get your there'.

The book essentially espouses two principles, namely -

A. Forget about the past;
B. Apologize for the mistakes made and move on.

Good points. There are caveats though.
1. Forgetting about the past is one. Learning from it, and understand what went wrong is more important. Learning also takes into consideration several facets i.e maturity of the organization, culture of the people and standard of excellence of individuals. These traits distinguishes good to great companies, I believe.

2. Apology is fine too. However, applied to the wrong person at the wrong place and at wrong time is disastrous. I still firmly believe in leadership which always grabs the opportune time to execute. In business, like everything else in life, in academia or in the military - timing is everything!!

Lastly, it is equally important NOT to simply accept opinion of writers at face value without applying one's own judgement and critical reasoning/thinking. After all, rational thinking made the clear boundary between men and ape!

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