Thursday, August 24, 2017

My fault - August 24 Reflections

It's my fault. 

Yes. It's my fault. I am to be blamed for my country's mess. Why?
  1. I buy items made by companies who are owned by the oligarchs or multi national corporations.
  2. I watch TV owned by the country elite and oligarch
  3. I use roads, bridges and highways built by government funds but made by substandard materials in order for small medium contractors can eke a living
  4. I elect barangay officials, municipal officials, congressmen and senators based on their good looks, persuasive speaking skills, media exposure.
  5. I allow the laws made by these congressfolks to run through my society not knowing these laws are meant to allow their companies to get richer 
  6. I allow "Hayaan mo na. Pwede na yan. Pwede pa. Tao lang naman nagkakamali " values to propagate my society.
  7. I leave my country and go abroad to earn fast, spend more and feed my family to companies owned by oligarchs or chinese businessmen.
  8. I studied hard in school to gain a 2-3-4 letter salutation before or after my name only to be relegated as job hunter employee and not as job creator.
  9. I listen too much and read too many bad news i am becoming a cynic, paranoid and pessimist.
  10. I spend so much time on social media, hashtag # look at me Im hooked to my gadget, reacting to friends whom i rarely see, even interact.

Shame on me!! 

But not all is lost. I have a choice. I can choose to live work and play in a way that will slowly dismantle the grip of power or my countrys elite and in return "level the playing field".

  1. Live - choose to buy local food from the local market, use utensils made by local companies, build my house with materials native to my hometown and most of all be proud and not envious to foreign made (but pinoy employed) 
  2. Work - i will use work to gain experience, hone my problem solving skills, brush up my inter personal gift and one day be a job creator not hunter.
  3. Play - choose to be entertained by local artists, read books authored by topnotch local authors and attend to local games unique to my culture ( if any)

All is not lost. The power of choice is in ME.

I am but one. But if you are like me, and will share, we will soon have an underground movement that will be mainstream one day.

Imagine the small droplet of water on a pail. Thats me. Leave the drip overnight and one day the pail will overflow.

Go ahead and share! 

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