Tuesday, July 09, 2019

DAM if you do, DAM if you don't!

I am appalled at the way media portrays national development as a wanton disregard for marginalizing indigenous people.

Fact of the matter is, which interest is the government protecting anyway? The minority tribes or the millions who will suffer if such projects do not come to fruition!



The race for the speakership is between a political neophyte and a seasoned legislator. Gone are the days when the speakership is supposedly earmarked for an accomplished legislator (Seasoned does not mean accomplished!)

Friday, July 05, 2019

Melancholic State

  1. 1.
    a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.

    synonyms:desolationsadness, pensiveness, woe,

There's something about July and how my brain is wired that brings me to be in this state. On hindsight, came to realize that normally it is at this stage in my young life when people in the barrios have pretty much completed the rice planting task. Hence, what's left is all but waiting game. Waiting for the rains, storms to come. Waiting for the fertilizers to be spread. Generally people are left sitting, waiting and for people like me who likes to soak in action, adventure, its such a boring existence. 

Thus...the melancholia. 


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