Monday, September 04, 2017

September Reflections - Letter to myself last August 2016!

Dear FutureMe,

Today is feb 2016. So whats new?
Well you are now sustaining your monthly payout for the house renovation. Golf took a backseat with Rory's arrival. Work wise its a slow but steady uphill climb to higher management.

On a more personal level, the "habit" is still lingering. Need to address this long term. Maybe find a diversion in order not to engage.

Hobbies, well from watches, books, fashion, cafes, shoes and bags. Nothings change on this front. Need to engage in small business that you're passionate about and help it grow.

Its 2016, youre 42. 19 years at work, 16 yrs in a country, 3 kids, a house and car. And well life appears to be in slow steady pace.

August 31 Insight on my work! 
Dear FutureMe,
Work wise, youre stuck today in the same role since 7 years ago. You feel there is no more career growth. The proverbial glass ceiling appears unbreakable.
Will next year 2017 , on your 20th year with the company be any different?

August 31 Insight on my Christian Life! 
Dear FutureMe,
On your walk with Christ, it appears this has taken a back seat for the last 1 year. Consider these.
1. You have not attended bible study for at least 4 years now.
2. You have more absences on sundays now too.
3. You hardly have time for Gods word except early part of the year until April.
4. You barely open the word.
5. You seldom listen to sermons or preachings.
6. Your music has went back to secular.
Compared this behaviorial patters with 2015-2016, if not corrected, you may end up going back to your secular world view.
Change while you still can Mark, change!

August 31 Insight on my Personal Life! 
Dear FutureMe,
I have written you about your Worklife.  And your Christian life as well. What about on the personal growth area like hobbies and sports.

1. On the sporting side, you have focused on your golf handicap maintenance. last year you managed to get this down to 13.9. But lately (Aug 2016, you are a miserable 22 handicapper!)

2. On the hobby side, reading has taken a back seat as well. Your goal to finish a masters degree seems getting thinner and thinner as days go by. 

3. You are now coming 20 years in your working life. So time is running out. Health wise, the recent April blood test saw you have elevated cholesterol, triglycerides and indicators not close to prime health.  ( You need to change your eating habits Mark!)

Also, you need to start looking into getting your masters!

Dear FutureMe,

Today is feb 2016. So whats new?

Well you are now sustaining your monthly payout for the house renovation.

1.Golf took a backseat with Rorys arrival.

2. Work wise its a slow but steady uphill climb to higher management.

3. On a more personal level, the "habit" is still lingering. Need to address this long term. Maybe find a diversion in order not to engage.

4. Hobbies, well from watches, books, fashion, cafes, shoes and bags. Nothings change on this front. Need to engage is small business that Youre passionate about and help it grow.

Its 2016, youre 42. 19 years at work, 16 yrs in a country, 3 kids, house and car. And well life appears to be in slow steady pace.

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