Monday, June 19, 2017

May Day

May is an unusual month for me. Here's what happened.

After a marathon business meeting in taiwan, came home to catch my sons bday. Since its a loong holiday, I hadnt plan to rest after my trip. So what happened? Arriving friday, I had to rush and spend time with the kids on saturday and drive around town. Sunday is spent crossing the border, driving for 5 hr just to get a good massage!

And lo and behold, on the monday of May 1st, warning bells began to ring. I had elevated BP, felt nauseated and sweating like crazy. I thought I could no longer finish the golf game long planned.

Decided to go home, have a 3 day rest, and at the same time get my wife to do xray and found out about her gallstone problem!

What a time!!! 



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