Been back to my readings lately, and heres how its shaping up.
Skipped almost april and may entirely due to business travels.. Nonetheless managed to dig and preached the word closest to my heart last sunday. Text is on 1 corinthians 3:10-17. Sermonic idea is : Build as if it is our last!
Meanwhile,the bible writers love to use imagery! In 2 samuel we see the writer using the analogy of a "mother bear who has been enraged by the robbing of her cubs"..
On the same vein, I always find it beautiful to read how bible writers are so aligned even if they lived and were spread by thousands of years.
In John 19, the writer mentioned that "This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled that said, "They divided my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment.”[a] " referring to the way Jesus clothes has been been divided and the undergarmet casted as lot instead of being torn since it is seamless.
Just read an article on rzim, and it posits that often, we people judge the book by its cover all the time.
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