Monday, May 11, 2015

98 - Be a man of Depth, not simply breadth


Yes, this is the word that first comes to mind whenever I think of this 'multi tasking' word coined purportedly to describe doing 'many things at one time'. The curse of 21st century living? Or the answer to 21st century riddle?

I beg to disagree. And I personally do not believe multi-tasking ever exist!

Nature, including our brains, is wired for humans (some people especially experts might contend and argue) to pursue one task at a time. We breathe one at a time, we walk one step at a time, we speak one word at a time. We type words on a PC one at a time.

There is never any parallel task involved. Even the simplest and most mundane of task by the brain is made one step at a time! We were never designed to be thinking in parallels or duality.

Scripture is solid when it comes to admonishing people in this regards as well. James said "Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple "Yes" or "No." Otherwise you will be condemned."

There is never a NYES!

Unless one thinks of the 'multi tasking' context as when they think they're lounging a beachside sipping pinacolada while out there in their offices slugging it out. Then even this example is not multi tasking, it is plain and simple day dreaming!!

Let our yes be yes and our no be no. This principle, if practiced daily in our mental thoughts, will render vital in our quest for perfection.

After all, people wants more depth, not breadth when dealing with life matters.

Drink not nor talk with your mouth full; neither gaze about you while you are drinking.

1 comment:

Avril said...

To associate GW's 98th rule of civility with multitasking requires a wide and deep perspective of things or, in the author's own words, breadth and depth. To be exact, it reflects a brilliant and dissecting mind.
There are some major points that i need to contend with though. First, i think that multitasking is not all of a bad thing. It is basically how the human body functions. Several processes occuring simultaneously to maintain life. Now if we put multitasking in the same context, that is doing several things at the same time to achieve a certain goal, then it might actually work. Duality, on the other hand, is a different thing. It connotes ambivalence, indecisiveness and conflict. As such, it is a stumbling block in achieving a goal.The bottomline, there are infinite shades of gray in between black and white.But to effectively zero in on a goal, a clear choice has to be made.


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