Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Count your Blessings

I cant help but be distracted by things occuring around my environment.

So today I did something different. I took a different route to work, spend time mulling over things that are happening around me.

One important task that I have missed doing lately is to reflect. Here's my reflection over the past 38 years of my life.

1. On Godly work
- part of the pastoral staff. Conducted rites, baptism, dedication, sustain service.
- able to compose music, stage a concert.
- build cellgroup.
- Future? Movie or short film? 316 ?

2. On Family work
- provide secure financial nest egg for kids.
- Home ownership at my ancestral place and in my foreign address.
- Car
- Stock options.
- IT gadgets (top of the line)
- Books (library full!)
- Sports gear, Bike, shoes, balls etc.
- Music gears, keyboard, guitar, speaker.

3. On Work matters and my company contribution
- Subject matter expert on quality/8D/DPPM/Supplier management.
- 15 years on the same company.
- achieve global manager
- improve quality on supply chain and distribution.
- set up distribution hub
- stable quality audit events
- travel europe, asia, japan and US.


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