Becoming rich should be every persons dream.
Not just materially but physically, emotionally and of course spiritually.
And to hammer home the point, we watched as a family a segment in TLC channel entitled 'Worlds Richest". The idea is for them to at least observe, learn and apply what they see as the peculiarities of rich people.
I pointed out to my boys that to the untrained eyes, buying antiques to adorn ones home is a bad idea. Who would want to sit, lie down or dine in an old wooden and creaky objects anyway. But when I explained that the reason is more of investing rather than buying (burning) money because the value of the antique appreciates in value in 5, 10 years time, their eyes opened wide.
Which reminds me - if you give a poor man 1 mil dollar, with his exposure, experience, wants and desires, he would instantly buy items left and right until the 1M is spent.
On the contrary - if you give a rich man 1mil dollar, he/she would instantly think of ways to plant the money (invest) and then reap the benefits at a later stage in their lives.
One should strive for planting money.
But before that, one must tame off ones desires, cultivate wise spending and practice at the very early stage in life.
Leaders after all lead the way. And when you are rich, and an exemplary leader at that - people would listen more, and follow your lead.
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