To those who have experienced leading a group of men into uncharted waters and territories can identify with what I am about to share.
Leading in the unknown, one must :
1. Trust one's instinct and gut feel. The butterfly in ones stomach is a good indicator for knowing what works and what does not work.
2. Do not show fear to your men. Fear immobilizes them.
3. Show courage and boldness. Men follow boldness, not title. Men will come to the rescue if they see their leader in trouble.
4. Welcome danger. The test of your leadership is when men encounter danger. The behavior exhibited by the leader shall be the behavior your people will exhibit. People can read body language. If one shirks, people can see. If one succumbs, people will judge.
5. Push forward, No matter what happens. Push forward, not backward. Retreat shows weakness. Pushing forward despite the perils will mark your legacy as a legend.
6. Beat the odds, no matter what. People who have achieved larger than life status are people who have beaten odds, people who have overcome trials and testings.
7. Plan B is for cowards. And cowards have no following.
Ultimately, if one aspires to leadership but does not perspire to face the perils, the one is simply an admin. A manager. A diplomat. A liason officer. A messenger not decision maker.
People will follow those who see as larger than life. People will show loyalty to someone who they see worthy to follow.
In the end, men dont care what you say until they see that you care.
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