A rarity these days... Believe it or not, I took time off from work today. (And is planning to extend to tomorrow). All in the idea to spend it all with my kids. I have to. Intentional or otherwise, investing time with your family is one which has eternal, if not generational consequence.
One need not know all details. But scripture is littered with stories after stories of kings who have neglected their families in the pursuit of worldly endeavors. In the process, the same 'bad' legacies were repeatedly passed down to their sons/daughters and soon after.
I'm not a king. Nor is ambitioning to be one. But as a lay leader, I have to strive and do my best in balancing all obligations I was given to lead. And as I reflect today, two 'indelible events' came up my thoughts:
1. FIRST, A FATHER'S DAY TREAT : Yes a treat. Why? My kids were chosen to read their impromptu letters at church yesterday. I was amazed as they did not feel any bashfulness while reading in front of hundred or so people! My eyes uncontrollably welled as a result. A sight too I will never forget for the rest of my life! (I have posted the letters on this blog!)
2. SECOND, LEADERSHIP ROLE PLAY: Tapping on one co-elder's novel practice, I asked my 2nd boy to be our LEADER in our island travel today. X hours laters, I then followed up and asked him to reflect on his 'leadership' experience. He was skeptical and adamant at first. But soon, his writing's captured what I think are essential nuggets of leadership wisdom he experiences, and hopes to remember one day, first hand.
More than a treat and really made my day!!! What about you?
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