Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Leading a Presentation

If you're like me in the corporate world, presentations are a boon and a bane. To date, I can't remember how many times I've sat thru unproductive hours listening to worthless presentations by competent technical people.

With puzzled look and wary thoughts, I always relish the cue when speakers blurt out the 'summary' or 'conclusion' or 'recommendations' words. It literally sounded Halleluiah to me!!

And I like what I dug below. It summarizes 10 steps in creating a winning presentation to sell an idea. Go apply yourself and see what happens!

1. Problem
2. Your solution
3. Business model
4. Underlying magic/technology
5. Marketing and sales
6. Competition
7. Team
8. Projections and milestones
9. Status and timeline
10. Summary and call to action

Comments are welcome!

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