Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Leadership and Becoming an Entrepreneur

I just finished reading an inspiring speech by a Chinese tycoon back home. I have outlined what I understood to be key principles that propelled him from becoming a 'rags to riches' story:

1. Boldness: the audacity to conquer unknown territory in business, perhaps including competition.

2. Diligence: the will, guts, perseverance to accomplish tasks/goals in the business world.

3. Frugality: denial of short term loss (comforts) for long term gain (financial reward)

4. Shrewd Business sense: the creativity to make something out of nothing, find and fill a need, identify and solve people's problem are hallmarks of a true businessman.

Now, as leaders, we can learn a thing or two from above description. Think about it, leadership and entreprenuership does have a lot of things in common. Now that I know, shall i dive? Hmmm, a little more time perhaps...

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