A follow up leadership retreat sponsored by our local religious affiliation is around the corner. As I reflect back on various aspects of the previous one (a) whether objectives have been met (2) whether leaders come out of the experience more equipped and more passionate to inspire others, 2 challenges came to mind. I thought it best to share with you-
Challenges are:
1. We were asked to think of the very first individual who has introduced us to the faith.
2. We were asked to create an environment to attract more newcomers and new believers in the faith to flock and hence experience the savior's saving grace.
By the goodness of the Lord, I have completed both challenges! First of all, I have written to the person who shared with me the Christian doctrine! Boy, and he was ecstatic!! We touchbase after 13 years of separation (since High school). I'm equally delighted to find out he is likewise passionately running the race he started decades ago. God is GREAT!
Second, over the last 2 months, i have followed up with organizing sports activities on weekends specifically designed to attract newcomers.
But, my bigger questions and personal challenge I set forth are:
1. Have I inspired my co-leaders to do the same?
2. Have I encouraged my co-leaders to take the same path?
3. Have I treated my co-leaders with the same passion I hold and energize them to initiate the same?
Until I have satisfactorily answered 1, 2 and 3, I think my role as leader of leaders hasn't been fully utilized. I am again asking for my Savior to grant me the desires of my heart and press on!
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