Thursday, August 08, 2013

Eapps : boon or bane?

The dream for people to one day essentially transact business at the palm of their hands is becoming a reality. Consider these apps

1. Singtel - for phone bills
2. Dbs Bank - for fund transfers and payment of bills.
3. Starhub - for cable TV bills.
4. Golden village - for movie tickets
5. SP services - for utility bills

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

2013 journey golf

january: mandai and ns golf
february: ponderosa
march: swing at legends golf 
april:jurong country club 9 holes 2x
may: orchard golf adventure 2x
june: pasar malam night golf at marina bay
july: austin hill break 90 score 2x and daiman golf
aug: couples retreat at palm resort and swing golf austin


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