Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Man in the Mirror- An unexamined life

Is it possible that despite every effort one has to put in, one can still miss out key areas or neglect key people in ones life?

I have been trying to juggle my work, my ministry involvement , my role as a father and husband, my extended family responsibilities and oftentime felt inadequate or even guity that I am ignoring key part of their lives.

I saw one leader whom Ive known for years and he said " when we get better, the people around us become better". 

Is this the case?

That we are the image we want to see in the world. 
That we are the result that we want to see in the world.
Change the world, but change the man first?

Start from us.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Daily Motivator - small deed leads to bigger ones!

This is what Ralph Marston said (below passage) and I could not agree more. Like a small drop of water that trickles on the water faucet overnight, small efforts leading to a goal could one day overflow the pail.

Small deed, small thought, small act, sums up to big ones. And I remember Paul when he said in 2 Corinthians to offer every little thought to Christ. I quote "
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
This is why too even small thought of evil needs to be nipped in the bud early on.


Do some

Being positive some of the time is much better than being positive none of the time. Making a small effort is far more effective than making no effort at all.
Even when you are not able to do it all, do some. Even when you don’t have enough time, make good use of the time you have.
Though you may not get everything done, you can make some real progress. Even though conditions are not perfect, you can work with what you have.
Use each opportunity to do what you can, when you can, with what the moment affords you. Small efforts, all applied in a consistent direction, can quickly add up to big results.
Though there never seems to be enough time, there is always now. So make good and meaningful use of it.
Make life a little bit better, again and again, each chance you get. Soon, you’ll find things to be a whole lot better.
— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://www.greatday.com/#UkH7PY0L5c4txXuB.99 

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

3 Months to this Day

Perhaps no other 3 months could define my life that his last one. (March to May)

My service to the community
0 My new supporting role in our local church led me to engage more in my physical well being such as golfing and cycling, two sports which I have invested heavily the last few years.  I've never felt better!

0 And the less time I am required to support weekly service allowed me to spend more time teaching, more time with my wife and kids. I need to do more in this areas.

My Family activities
0 The odd thing about life is that as I spend more time with my wife, she somehow not taking it in good stride. She felt that I am choking her independence, her ability to be alone and most of all her freedom.

0 The good thing is that she has found a new sport in golf! Playing together as husband and wife has its merits. But the expected twist occurred when we met a new person who won has her affection. This led to misunderstanding in our marriage. It was a wake up call but which somehow leads to an even stronger bond. I must say problems can and will make a person/couple better.

My work related activities (March-May)
0 The priority this year allowed me to experience electrical and maintenance related processes. Something which I put in the backburner for some time. After all I am engineer by heart! But seeing theory applied in practice has never felt more rewarding. Sometimes or most of the time there is no real replacement for actual experience.

0 Managed to attend Malaysia Devt Day and meet up with my top management.

6 Months to this day

August 2012 - Feb 2013

Just realized I was not able to publish this last February!

On my service to God:
1. We had 3 Pastoral conversation events, (HK, ANZET and Intl Board) visiting our local church to inspire and relate stories how they have moved in their own ministries.

2. The anniversary of our church featured my 2nd boys talent on drama by playing the Evil one. The reviews were awesome as he displayed uncanny ability to emote in front of the congregation.

On Family Matters:
1. We had a major 10 day family vacation galore. This led us back to my 
hometown  and birthplace. It was humbling to know that somehow people have moved on, led new lives and hardly I know of anyone whom I can relate to.

2. We had a major golf/sporting break this Chinese New year as 3 rounds of golf was played in nearby JB. This resulted in several practice sessions where I had to explore buying several items for my game improvement.

On Work Related Matters
1. December was tough. We integrated the new company we bought into our fold.

2. New priority on BCP (contingency plan) was in place. Was able to present to my CFO which is the 2nd highest level that I have presented to.


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