Now this principle rings a bell. The difference between a successful vs nonsuccessful people, materially or otherwise, is the type of smart and critical choices they made in their lifetime. Choosing between eating a meal made of vegetable and fish vs meat and cereal determines long term health benefits.
According to Seth Godin's blog, which I quote below " Is George Clooney actually a great actor? Or is he just great at making choices?
In 1789, you had just a few choices. Work for the potter in town, apprentice with your dad, of, if you were really smart, become a clergyman or possibly a teacher. That was it.
Today, not only do you have more choices, the variations in those choices matter more. Obvious choices, like, "should I quit my job today?", necessary choices like, "should I apply for a job at Google or an insurance company?" and more subtle choices--whether or not to start a blog, for example.
The movie business provides us with a clear window on what happens when people make good choices (and bad ones). Very few people--with the exception of Sean Connery or Daniel Craig--have the option of sticking with one movie forever. Everyone else in the industry makes critical choices on a regular basis. Smart choice makers do far better than those that don't work at it. I'm willing to guess the value of smart choices is responsible for a 10 to 100 times difference in lifetime earnings in Hollywood."
Now how's that to make your day?!
Musings, writings and observations of an ordinary person on extraordinary events.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
6 Steps to Enjoying Your True Wealth
My eyes welled when I read below article. Hope you too :)
6 Steps to Enjoying Your True Wealth
By Bo Sanchez
We were going to Hong Kong that day. I was going to preach for three daysbut had two extra days to be with my family.Picture us at the airport: My wife carrying our baby in her arms, my eldest son bouncing about like a rabbit and announcing to the whole world, "I'm going to Hong Kong Disneyland!" And the poor skinny father? Straining to push eight massive bags on a wobbly cart with a stubborn right wheel. (I've noticed that these deranged carts supernaturally end up with me wherever Igo.)That was when we heard the crying. Correction. Not crying. Butspine-chilling, lung-busting screaming. Two kids were holding onto theirmother. They were separated by four-foot tall steel bars. But to those distraught children, those still bars represented two years of being without their mother --- the contract of a domestic helper in Hong Kong.Four small arms clutching, grabbing, not letting go. The whole world heard their pleading scream, "Mommy, please don't go! Please don't go!"I'll never forget the mother's pained, tortured face --- as though a knife was ripping through her body. My wife cried openly. I wept inside and heldonto my kids more closely.That was two days ago. Yesterday, the story continued...Those small arms continue to reach out.Yesterday was Sunday. And I walked around Central. If you don't know HongKong, Central is where thousands upon thousands of Filipina Domestic Helpers congregate. They sit on sidewalks. They sit by storefronts. I walked passed one woman who was reading a handwritten letter. The handwriting was obviously a child's penmanship. I walked passed another listening to a little cassette player --- not to listen to music --- but to a voice of a kid telling stories. But what broke my heart was the news given to me by Shirley, the head of one organization that tries to help themget financial education. I was shocked by what she said.
"Brother Bo, out ofour 700 members who are married, 80% are already separated from theirhusbands."Families aren't designed for prolonged separation. They're not just made forthat. We're supposed to spend time together.
6 Steps to Spending More Time with Your Family No Matter How Busy You Are"Bo, why are you telling me this? I'm not in Hong Kong. I'm living with my family under one roof."Listen. Yes, you're not in Hong Kong. But if you don't have time for your family --- and your heart is not focused on them --- you might as well be in another country. You could be physically present --- but are you emotionally present as well?Let me share with you five important steps you could take to become more emotionally present with them...
Step #1: Be Close
I'm still in Hong Kong as I write this piece. It's five in the morning as Itype this article in bed. And my little family is literally around me because we're all sleeping on one bed. Yes, we've become one mass jumble of intertwined humanity --- our limbs, legs and arms crisscrossing each other. And that's when I realize --- gosh, I don't know how blessed I am. Why?Here I am with my family. I feel their skin. I smell their scents. We're so close, I feel their breath. And yet, I'm surrounded by 148,000 domestic helpers here in Hong Kong that have been away from their families for months, for years, for decades. And for those who've separated --- forever.Let me say it again: We don't know how blessed we are. We complaint that are families are nutty. But we don't understand how blessed we are to have them close enough to experience their nuttiness. We complain about our pettyquarrels, our cold wars, our dysfunctionality. But whose family isn't dysfunctional? I've talked to some people here in Hong Kong who would give anything to be with their families again --- even for just one day of nuttiness.The first step is to be more emotionally present to your family is to actually be physically present to them. Be close! You need to know how precious your family is --- and treat them that way.You need to see them as your true wealth --- that nothing is more precious than your relationships.
Step #2: Be Deliberate.
Because you need to protect this treasure or they get stolen from you.No matter how busy I am, I schedule a weekly romantic date with my spouse.Yes, I actually write it down in my appointment book and treat it like ameeting with the President of the the country. These weekly nights areblocked off for the entire year. Nothing can touch it, except some direemergency. Why? Because if my marriage fails, everything else stands to failas well: My ministry, my businesses, my soul... So it is an emergency that Ibring her out every week.I also schedule a weekly date with my kids. I believe parents need to dothese one-on-one dates with each of their kids. Unless of course you've got18 children and may need to bring them out by two's or three's. Sometimes myson and I just walk around the village and talk. It doesn't have to be big.But swapping stories and opening our hearts to one another on a consistentbasis is already very big to them. It means they matter to you --- that youvalue them --- and you'll see their self-esteem grow.
Step #3: Be Expressive.
I tell my wife "I love you" seven times a day. I hug my kids countless oftimes a day. At night, I tell my kids,
"I'm so proud you're my son.
I'm so proud I'm your Daddy.
You're a genius.
You're a loving boy.
You're an incredibly gifted young man..."
This is true. I have met 40-year olds who long to hear these words from their parents --- I'm proud of you", and feel an empty gaping wound in their souls because their parents have never told them this. Don't do that to your kids.And before I forget: Praise your kids seven times a day. And praise your spouse seven times a day. I'm not kidding. It will revolutionize your marriage. If I say, "Criticize your spouse seven times a day", I bet you'dsay, "Kaunti naman. I do that already". But that's the problem. We don't realize that when we criticize our spouses, we actually destroy our marriage bit by bit --- not just our spouses. But when you praise and honor yourspouse --- you build up your marriage.It can be very simple stuff:
Ang sarap ng luto mo ngayon,
Hon.I thank God He gave you to me.
You're so hardworking.
I love it when I see you play with the kids.
You know how to make me happy.
Ganda mo ngayon.
Keep on doing this and you'll see changes in your life and your marriage youthought were not possible.Let me say it again: Praise your spouse --- and your children --- seventimes a day.
Step #4: Be Deep.
Your weekly dates shouldn't just be watching movies, eating out and going home.Talk deep.Talk about your feelings.Enter each other's worlds.Dive into each other's dreams, hurts, desires, worries, hopes and burdens.When you open yourself up to your spouse or your child, there are more chances for the other person to open up to you.
Step #5: Be Simple.
Yesterday afternoon, I preached to 700 people in Hong Kong. I usually givemy talks for 45 minutes. That's been my trademark. But yesterday, I gavea solid two-hour talk. Vein-popping, heart-pounding, passion-driven talk ---because I had a burden in my heart. Because I preached on Financial Literacy. I challenged them, "Raise your financial I.Q.!" I scolded them,"When you left the Philippines, you told your kids, "Anak, two years of separation lang 'to. After two years, Mommy will have saved enough and will go home and we'll be together again." But after two years, you go home and you haven't saved. Because you repainted the house. Because there's a new TV set in the living room and a new gas range in the kitchen. Because the kids have new designer rubber shoes.I taught them how to live simply and ruthlessly save 20% of their income.Because unless they do this, they will be forever trapped in Hong Kong.Look at your life.Are you living simply?Are you saving 20% of your income?
Step #6: Be Financially Intelligent.
I also taught them where to invest.I told them, "It's not enough to just save. You need to know where to put your money. Because savings accounts at 1% and time deposits at 5% won't do.Inflation --- which is at 7% --- will simply eat them up."So I taught them about mutual funds and other investment vehicles, including the ability to sell something and get into business. Here's the truth: The more you know about money, the less time you need to make money. So the more time you have for your family. Actually, a time should come when you don't need to make money. And that requires financial intelligence .Read. Attend seminars. Look for mentors.Go Home. After giving my talk, I took a deep breath and told my audience in HongKong, "When you follow these principles and have saved enough --- please go home. Please go home to your children."I made a lot of people cry that day. I'm telling the same thing. Oh yes, you may be living with your family in one house, but it's possible that your heart is so far away from your spouse and kids --- and they are far away from you as well.
You need to let your heart go home.
Go home my friend!
6 Steps to Enjoying Your True Wealth
By Bo Sanchez
We were going to Hong Kong that day. I was going to preach for three daysbut had two extra days to be with my family.Picture us at the airport: My wife carrying our baby in her arms, my eldest son bouncing about like a rabbit and announcing to the whole world, "I'm going to Hong Kong Disneyland!" And the poor skinny father? Straining to push eight massive bags on a wobbly cart with a stubborn right wheel. (I've noticed that these deranged carts supernaturally end up with me wherever Igo.)That was when we heard the crying. Correction. Not crying. Butspine-chilling, lung-busting screaming. Two kids were holding onto theirmother. They were separated by four-foot tall steel bars. But to those distraught children, those still bars represented two years of being without their mother --- the contract of a domestic helper in Hong Kong.Four small arms clutching, grabbing, not letting go. The whole world heard their pleading scream, "Mommy, please don't go! Please don't go!"I'll never forget the mother's pained, tortured face --- as though a knife was ripping through her body. My wife cried openly. I wept inside and heldonto my kids more closely.That was two days ago. Yesterday, the story continued...Those small arms continue to reach out.Yesterday was Sunday. And I walked around Central. If you don't know HongKong, Central is where thousands upon thousands of Filipina Domestic Helpers congregate. They sit on sidewalks. They sit by storefronts. I walked passed one woman who was reading a handwritten letter. The handwriting was obviously a child's penmanship. I walked passed another listening to a little cassette player --- not to listen to music --- but to a voice of a kid telling stories. But what broke my heart was the news given to me by Shirley, the head of one organization that tries to help themget financial education. I was shocked by what she said.
"Brother Bo, out ofour 700 members who are married, 80% are already separated from theirhusbands."Families aren't designed for prolonged separation. They're not just made forthat. We're supposed to spend time together.
6 Steps to Spending More Time with Your Family No Matter How Busy You Are"Bo, why are you telling me this? I'm not in Hong Kong. I'm living with my family under one roof."Listen. Yes, you're not in Hong Kong. But if you don't have time for your family --- and your heart is not focused on them --- you might as well be in another country. You could be physically present --- but are you emotionally present as well?Let me share with you five important steps you could take to become more emotionally present with them...
Step #1: Be Close
I'm still in Hong Kong as I write this piece. It's five in the morning as Itype this article in bed. And my little family is literally around me because we're all sleeping on one bed. Yes, we've become one mass jumble of intertwined humanity --- our limbs, legs and arms crisscrossing each other. And that's when I realize --- gosh, I don't know how blessed I am. Why?Here I am with my family. I feel their skin. I smell their scents. We're so close, I feel their breath. And yet, I'm surrounded by 148,000 domestic helpers here in Hong Kong that have been away from their families for months, for years, for decades. And for those who've separated --- forever.Let me say it again: We don't know how blessed we are. We complaint that are families are nutty. But we don't understand how blessed we are to have them close enough to experience their nuttiness. We complain about our pettyquarrels, our cold wars, our dysfunctionality. But whose family isn't dysfunctional? I've talked to some people here in Hong Kong who would give anything to be with their families again --- even for just one day of nuttiness.The first step is to be more emotionally present to your family is to actually be physically present to them. Be close! You need to know how precious your family is --- and treat them that way.You need to see them as your true wealth --- that nothing is more precious than your relationships.
Step #2: Be Deliberate.
Because you need to protect this treasure or they get stolen from you.No matter how busy I am, I schedule a weekly romantic date with my spouse.Yes, I actually write it down in my appointment book and treat it like ameeting with the President of the the country. These weekly nights areblocked off for the entire year. Nothing can touch it, except some direemergency. Why? Because if my marriage fails, everything else stands to failas well: My ministry, my businesses, my soul... So it is an emergency that Ibring her out every week.I also schedule a weekly date with my kids. I believe parents need to dothese one-on-one dates with each of their kids. Unless of course you've got18 children and may need to bring them out by two's or three's. Sometimes myson and I just walk around the village and talk. It doesn't have to be big.But swapping stories and opening our hearts to one another on a consistentbasis is already very big to them. It means they matter to you --- that youvalue them --- and you'll see their self-esteem grow.
Step #3: Be Expressive.
I tell my wife "I love you" seven times a day. I hug my kids countless oftimes a day. At night, I tell my kids,
"I'm so proud you're my son.
I'm so proud I'm your Daddy.
You're a genius.
You're a loving boy.
You're an incredibly gifted young man..."
This is true. I have met 40-year olds who long to hear these words from their parents --- I'm proud of you", and feel an empty gaping wound in their souls because their parents have never told them this. Don't do that to your kids.And before I forget: Praise your kids seven times a day. And praise your spouse seven times a day. I'm not kidding. It will revolutionize your marriage. If I say, "Criticize your spouse seven times a day", I bet you'dsay, "Kaunti naman. I do that already". But that's the problem. We don't realize that when we criticize our spouses, we actually destroy our marriage bit by bit --- not just our spouses. But when you praise and honor yourspouse --- you build up your marriage.It can be very simple stuff:
Ang sarap ng luto mo ngayon,
Hon.I thank God He gave you to me.
You're so hardworking.
I love it when I see you play with the kids.
You know how to make me happy.
Ganda mo ngayon.
Keep on doing this and you'll see changes in your life and your marriage youthought were not possible.Let me say it again: Praise your spouse --- and your children --- seventimes a day.
Step #4: Be Deep.
Your weekly dates shouldn't just be watching movies, eating out and going home.Talk deep.Talk about your feelings.Enter each other's worlds.Dive into each other's dreams, hurts, desires, worries, hopes and burdens.When you open yourself up to your spouse or your child, there are more chances for the other person to open up to you.
Step #5: Be Simple.
Yesterday afternoon, I preached to 700 people in Hong Kong. I usually givemy talks for 45 minutes. That's been my trademark. But yesterday, I gavea solid two-hour talk. Vein-popping, heart-pounding, passion-driven talk ---because I had a burden in my heart. Because I preached on Financial Literacy. I challenged them, "Raise your financial I.Q.!" I scolded them,"When you left the Philippines, you told your kids, "Anak, two years of separation lang 'to. After two years, Mommy will have saved enough and will go home and we'll be together again." But after two years, you go home and you haven't saved. Because you repainted the house. Because there's a new TV set in the living room and a new gas range in the kitchen. Because the kids have new designer rubber shoes.I taught them how to live simply and ruthlessly save 20% of their income.Because unless they do this, they will be forever trapped in Hong Kong.Look at your life.Are you living simply?Are you saving 20% of your income?
Step #6: Be Financially Intelligent.
I also taught them where to invest.I told them, "It's not enough to just save. You need to know where to put your money. Because savings accounts at 1% and time deposits at 5% won't do.Inflation --- which is at 7% --- will simply eat them up."So I taught them about mutual funds and other investment vehicles, including the ability to sell something and get into business. Here's the truth: The more you know about money, the less time you need to make money. So the more time you have for your family. Actually, a time should come when you don't need to make money. And that requires financial intelligence .Read. Attend seminars. Look for mentors.Go Home. After giving my talk, I took a deep breath and told my audience in HongKong, "When you follow these principles and have saved enough --- please go home. Please go home to your children."I made a lot of people cry that day. I'm telling the same thing. Oh yes, you may be living with your family in one house, but it's possible that your heart is so far away from your spouse and kids --- and they are far away from you as well.
You need to let your heart go home.
Go home my friend!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Perception is Reality
I saw this ad on one US Based communications group. The bullets talk about
Move minds.
Influence Decisions
Alter Beliefs
Create Relatioships
Initiate Dialogue
Provoke a Smile
- This is what perception can do -
True or False? You be the judge!
Move minds.
Influence Decisions
Alter Beliefs
Create Relatioships
Initiate Dialogue
Provoke a Smile
- This is what perception can do -
True or False? You be the judge!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Frugality : Secret of Business
While browsing the web, I found this interesting outline. It lists one age old business practice applied by Chinese folks in most Asian economies. You may call it the 10 commandments of starting a small business-the Chinese way.
"One very traditional way of proceeding in family business development is to operate the small business enterprise through conservative and traditional financial strategies: targetting to obtain income through small investments.
The ideal in this financial strategy is to obtain for big financial returns on small investments.
In line with the traditional and conservative method of investing cited above,
-. capitalization is therefore low, capital expenditures is not big,
-. and working fund requirements are thus kept to a minimum.
1. The head of the family can thus start with a car, a computer system, a fax machine, landline and mobile phones. As regards utilities expense of both office and store, they are integrated into the household's and family's expenses.
2. As starters, in founding the family business, part of the house is converted into office space and store space, in order to save on rental fees.
3. The prospecting of clients and customers, and the use of banks, are focused within the area of the house/office to save on gasoline expense.
4. Also, if the family lives near the Catholic parish, the family business can also have business contacts and customers from among the Catholic population of the parish.
5. Employees and working personnel are members of the family. This saves a lot on salaries and wages.
6. Also, the clannish and extended family setting of Asians, most especially the Chinese and Filipinos, can be used to obtain more help from relatives. In this set-up, any member of this extended family business system can have his or her own small business and share the benefits of the connections of the extended family system. The Chinese call this network, guanx hi.
7. For starters, in order to gain income and reduce income tax expense, the family business can be initially known as part of the informal business sector in order to gain the benefits of tax exemptions from the government.
8. This family business will be developed and built well, and have an increase in initial growth when the working hours are made flexible.
9. The extra added services gain more loyal customers, the stabilization of a client base, and lots of repeat sales and business.
10. As the family business develops more its technological knowhow and constantly upgrades its communication systems and computers, operating costs in running the business are lessened in the long run. A good communication and computer system can lessen the need to make trips and thus lessen gasoline expenses.
"One very traditional way of proceeding in family business development is to operate the small business enterprise through conservative and traditional financial strategies: targetting to obtain income through small investments.
The ideal in this financial strategy is to obtain for big financial returns on small investments.
In line with the traditional and conservative method of investing cited above,
-. capitalization is therefore low, capital expenditures is not big,
-. and working fund requirements are thus kept to a minimum.
1. The head of the family can thus start with a car, a computer system, a fax machine, landline and mobile phones. As regards utilities expense of both office and store, they are integrated into the household's and family's expenses.
2. As starters, in founding the family business, part of the house is converted into office space and store space, in order to save on rental fees.
3. The prospecting of clients and customers, and the use of banks, are focused within the area of the house/office to save on gasoline expense.
4. Also, if the family lives near the Catholic parish, the family business can also have business contacts and customers from among the Catholic population of the parish.
5. Employees and working personnel are members of the family. This saves a lot on salaries and wages.
6. Also, the clannish and extended family setting of Asians, most especially the Chinese and Filipinos, can be used to obtain more help from relatives. In this set-up, any member of this extended family business system can have his or her own small business and share the benefits of the connections of the extended family system. The Chinese call this network, guanx hi.
7. For starters, in order to gain income and reduce income tax expense, the family business can be initially known as part of the informal business sector in order to gain the benefits of tax exemptions from the government.
8. This family business will be developed and built well, and have an increase in initial growth when the working hours are made flexible.
9. The extra added services gain more loyal customers, the stabilization of a client base, and lots of repeat sales and business.
10. As the family business develops more its technological knowhow and constantly upgrades its communication systems and computers, operating costs in running the business are lessened in the long run. A good communication and computer system can lessen the need to make trips and thus lessen gasoline expenses.
Leadership Economy by John C. Maxwell
I liked this article very much I literally copy paste from an email I received.
By John C. Maxwell
In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx imagined anentire world based upon his theory of economics. He envisioned a"utopian society" where everyone received equal shares, and livedwithout competition.In Marx's communist system, government would enforce the utopianeconomy. On paper, the theory was great-in practice, as history hasshown, the economic model of communism was a disaster.
In Wealth of the Nations, Adam Smith popularized a different theory oneconomics: free enterprise. He laid the intellectual framework thatexplained the free market which still holds true today.Smith coined the expression "the invisible hand," which he used todemonstrate how self-interest guides the most efficient use of resourcesin a nation's economy. He argued that government efforts to promotesocial good are inferior compared to the unbridled market forces ofcommerce.Smith became the key influencer of Western economic theory. His ideasunderlie the present US economy-an economy based on supply and demand.His system didn't require a "big brother" government to ensure itssuccess. Instead, it was governed by the natural forces of a freemarket.
Supply and demand
I believe our influence operates on similar "supply and demand"principles as the free market economy. Leadership should not have to beforced on a group of people.Someone who leads by coercion or manipulation isn't a healthy leader.Healthy influence is based upon providing a resource that is needed by agroup.When you possess that resource, your influence goes up, just like astock price goes up when a company is providing goods or services thatare in demand.Leader's influence acts like capitalIf leadership, like the marketplace, functions according to the laws ofsupply and demand, then let us ponder what kind of capital we might havethat will increase our influence with others.
1. Intellectual capital
Resources in this category include: knowledge on a particular subject,insight and intuition into a given area, or data on a relevant issue.When someone puts their intellectual capital into a tangible form, itbecomes what attorneys call "intellectual property." If it is rare andrelevant, it will be valuable.How to accumulate intellectual capital(1) Study and know your business(2) Think more than others about your business(3) Think about solutions and share them with others
2. Social capital
Resources that represent social capital are the relationships andrespect a person has built up over the years within their network.Social capital comes from interfacing with others in a healthy way andadding value to them individually as well as professionally- especiallyin times of need.How to accumulate social capital(1) Value people and relationships(2) Look for the key to each person's life(3) Become a networker and connect people together(4) Seize every opportunity to add value to others
3. Experiential capital
Resources in this category include past experience, a good track recordaccompanied by a strong work ethic, integrity, and sound pastdecision-making. Experiential capital is akin to intellectual capital,but not identical. This capital is the intuitive wisdom that comes fromraw experience rather than the hard data or content from a book.How to accumulate experiential capital(1) Find your niche and dig in ... don't hop around;(2) Evaluate your experiences(3) Build on your experiences, don't camp on them
4. Talent capital
Resources that fall within talent capital are the abilities a person hasto pull off a desired goal. When an organization wants to produce a goodor render a service, it has need for specific talents-graphically ,technically, physically, organizationally- and the person with thosetalents carries the weight.While talent is never enough, it is a good place to start.How to accumulate talent capital(1) Discover your top three strengths(2) Stay in your strength zone(3) List ways your talent can add value to the team(4) Stretch your strength areas
5. Creativity capital
Resources that represent creativity capital are creative thinking; theaptitude to merge two current ideas into a new one; the capacity tocommunicate a thought originally and persuasively; and the ability toinvent new products, methods, services, or strategies.How to accumulate creativity capital...(1) Develop a creative think team(2) Continually ask: "Is there a better way to do what we are doing?"(3) Continually ask: "Is someone else doing it in a better way?"6. Passion capitalFinally, this capital is about the "pathos" of a person. Leaders withpassion capital carry weight because of their strong personality andcharisma. They bring to the table excitement, enthusiasm anddetermination; a fire that magnetically draws others to them. Passionenergizes talent, both individually and collectively.How to accumulate passion capital ...(1) Discover your strengths(2) Hang around passionate people(3) Give your passion away
Leadership revolves around the timeless principles of supply and demand.Your influence as a leader will be proportionate to the "leadership capital" you bring to an organization. Cultivate your leadership capital wisely, and you'll be flooded with opportunities to invest it in aleadership economy hungry for healthy leaders.
By John C. Maxwell
In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx imagined anentire world based upon his theory of economics. He envisioned a"utopian society" where everyone received equal shares, and livedwithout competition.In Marx's communist system, government would enforce the utopianeconomy. On paper, the theory was great-in practice, as history hasshown, the economic model of communism was a disaster.
In Wealth of the Nations, Adam Smith popularized a different theory oneconomics: free enterprise. He laid the intellectual framework thatexplained the free market which still holds true today.Smith coined the expression "the invisible hand," which he used todemonstrate how self-interest guides the most efficient use of resourcesin a nation's economy. He argued that government efforts to promotesocial good are inferior compared to the unbridled market forces ofcommerce.Smith became the key influencer of Western economic theory. His ideasunderlie the present US economy-an economy based on supply and demand.His system didn't require a "big brother" government to ensure itssuccess. Instead, it was governed by the natural forces of a freemarket.
Supply and demand
I believe our influence operates on similar "supply and demand"principles as the free market economy. Leadership should not have to beforced on a group of people.Someone who leads by coercion or manipulation isn't a healthy leader.Healthy influence is based upon providing a resource that is needed by agroup.When you possess that resource, your influence goes up, just like astock price goes up when a company is providing goods or services thatare in demand.Leader's influence acts like capitalIf leadership, like the marketplace, functions according to the laws ofsupply and demand, then let us ponder what kind of capital we might havethat will increase our influence with others.
1. Intellectual capital
Resources in this category include: knowledge on a particular subject,insight and intuition into a given area, or data on a relevant issue.When someone puts their intellectual capital into a tangible form, itbecomes what attorneys call "intellectual property." If it is rare andrelevant, it will be valuable.How to accumulate intellectual capital(1) Study and know your business(2) Think more than others about your business(3) Think about solutions and share them with others
2. Social capital
Resources that represent social capital are the relationships andrespect a person has built up over the years within their network.Social capital comes from interfacing with others in a healthy way andadding value to them individually as well as professionally- especiallyin times of need.How to accumulate social capital(1) Value people and relationships(2) Look for the key to each person's life(3) Become a networker and connect people together(4) Seize every opportunity to add value to others
3. Experiential capital
Resources in this category include past experience, a good track recordaccompanied by a strong work ethic, integrity, and sound pastdecision-making. Experiential capital is akin to intellectual capital,but not identical. This capital is the intuitive wisdom that comes fromraw experience rather than the hard data or content from a book.How to accumulate experiential capital(1) Find your niche and dig in ... don't hop around;(2) Evaluate your experiences(3) Build on your experiences, don't camp on them
4. Talent capital
Resources that fall within talent capital are the abilities a person hasto pull off a desired goal. When an organization wants to produce a goodor render a service, it has need for specific talents-graphically ,technically, physically, organizationally- and the person with thosetalents carries the weight.While talent is never enough, it is a good place to start.How to accumulate talent capital(1) Discover your top three strengths(2) Stay in your strength zone(3) List ways your talent can add value to the team(4) Stretch your strength areas
5. Creativity capital
Resources that represent creativity capital are creative thinking; theaptitude to merge two current ideas into a new one; the capacity tocommunicate a thought originally and persuasively; and the ability toinvent new products, methods, services, or strategies.How to accumulate creativity capital...(1) Develop a creative think team(2) Continually ask: "Is there a better way to do what we are doing?"(3) Continually ask: "Is someone else doing it in a better way?"6. Passion capitalFinally, this capital is about the "pathos" of a person. Leaders withpassion capital carry weight because of their strong personality andcharisma. They bring to the table excitement, enthusiasm anddetermination; a fire that magnetically draws others to them. Passionenergizes talent, both individually and collectively.How to accumulate passion capital ...(1) Discover your strengths(2) Hang around passionate people(3) Give your passion away
Leadership revolves around the timeless principles of supply and demand.Your influence as a leader will be proportionate to the "leadership capital" you bring to an organization. Cultivate your leadership capital wisely, and you'll be flooded with opportunities to invest it in aleadership economy hungry for healthy leaders.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Hakuna Matata
Dale Carnegie's book are always a dime a dozen. It has plenty of practical tips to enhance a person's outlook in life. Like this book I am reading entitled " How to stop worrying and Start Living', he is again offering plenty of tips for those people who are somehow stuck in a rut.
Interestingly, he too believed that nothing is new on the principles he presented in his book. In fact, he goes on to explain that the principles shown are essentially compilations of old and new philosophies he carefully researched.
I liked a quote from Montaigne - the great French Philosopher when he said 'MY LIFE HAS BEEN FULL OF TERRIBLE MISFORTUNES MOST OF WHICH NEVER HAPPENED.'. Or the 21 most important words that young Sir William Osler heard. Words, from Thomas Carlyle, that would transform his thinking and would propel him lead a worry free life. " OUR MAIN BUSINESS IS NOT TO SEE WHAT LIES DIMLY AT A DISTANCE, BUT TO DO WHAT LIES CLEARLY AHEAD."
We're all guilty of such human syndrome. What about you? Are you still living in the past? Get on with it. Shed it off! Sieze the day!
Interestingly, he too believed that nothing is new on the principles he presented in his book. In fact, he goes on to explain that the principles shown are essentially compilations of old and new philosophies he carefully researched.
I liked a quote from Montaigne - the great French Philosopher when he said 'MY LIFE HAS BEEN FULL OF TERRIBLE MISFORTUNES MOST OF WHICH NEVER HAPPENED.'. Or the 21 most important words that young Sir William Osler heard. Words, from Thomas Carlyle, that would transform his thinking and would propel him lead a worry free life. " OUR MAIN BUSINESS IS NOT TO SEE WHAT LIES DIMLY AT A DISTANCE, BUT TO DO WHAT LIES CLEARLY AHEAD."
We're all guilty of such human syndrome. What about you? Are you still living in the past? Get on with it. Shed it off! Sieze the day!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
FAB of Selling
I learned this fundamental principle from our company President while attending a seminar. He expertly weave this principle thru his personal selling anecdote. He goes on share the "FAB" of selling.
FAB means - Features, Advantage and Benefits. In other words, sell the Features, Advantage and Benefit of any product or idea.
The concept hit the nail on the head. And as usual, the practical part of me got into work. I ended up teaching my 2 boys how to wear selling hats all the time. For example, I asked them about 3 questions below.
1. You are selling crayons to students who already own one or two. How are you going to do that?
2. You are convincing P4 students to take swimming lessons. Remember they are already enrolled on 2 or 3 other lessons. How?
3. You are selling new computer game to your friends. However, they already have Xbox and PSP2. How do you sell?
Their responses were far from idea. Ranging from the comedy to insanity:) But given this seed idea in their minds, I hope one day, they'll realize the full benefit of it.
FAB means - Features, Advantage and Benefits. In other words, sell the Features, Advantage and Benefit of any product or idea.
The concept hit the nail on the head. And as usual, the practical part of me got into work. I ended up teaching my 2 boys how to wear selling hats all the time. For example, I asked them about 3 questions below.
1. You are selling crayons to students who already own one or two. How are you going to do that?
2. You are convincing P4 students to take swimming lessons. Remember they are already enrolled on 2 or 3 other lessons. How?
3. You are selling new computer game to your friends. However, they already have Xbox and PSP2. How do you sell?
Their responses were far from idea. Ranging from the comedy to insanity:) But given this seed idea in their minds, I hope one day, they'll realize the full benefit of it.
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