Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Business Principles

People still don't get it!

The 'Get Rick Quick' scheme has been heavily used by U.S advertisers to entice people to invest their hard earned dollar. In my recent visit to the states, I saw this in action for myself. I was literally bombarded by continuous barrage of money making scheme.

The fundamental principle of making money hasn't change over the last hundred, even thousands, of years. Frugality and prudence in expense and setting sights for long term investment, has been proven effective time and time again.

In the end, these are simply ordinary principles applied by extraordinary people. Like what my grandmother used to say - money doesn't grow on trees! Its never been truer!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Becoming An Adult

My eldest son and I had our regular one-on-one today. As always, I am on the lookout for one liners! True enough, he posted this question to me "When is a child considered an adult?"

Profound eh! Caught me off guard too! Since he's already 10, I asked him for his own thoughts. Well, what do you know, he answered his own question with such depth I am convinced he stands to trek a bright future ahead for him.

Consider the following answers he made; A child is considered an adult when;

1. Old enough to know right from wrong;
2. Old enough to make their own decision;
3. When a person is 20 years old.
4. Old enough to leave their parents
5. Smart enough for adult questions;
6. Able to understand adult words!

Now, how's that for a 10 year old mind!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Powerhouse Team

What makes a high performing team tick? Is it the individual talent? Personal Drive? Team motivation? Or simply the challenge to get things DONE!

I found all these elements come into play lately.

Yap. I was asked to be part of the organizing committee for a chuch major event. Seven months and countless manhours later, seems like all efforts have paid off. What with comments such as " A event very difficult to match" or "Excellent teammanship" or "Truly a memorable one' or "One for the history books'. These comments simply fattens the heart!

At long last. The goal I personally look forward to achieving as a member, has been met. Praise GOD! What could be better than that! Indelible experience cemented by 100% top notch audience satisfaction!

More to come?

The Good Life

Let's go to Starbucks!” quipped by 8-year old boy excitedly.

He said this during our scheduled one-on-one today. I asked him why? And at Starbucks at that? Now I know. He is simply keen to record our conversation on his journal! And the starbucks is the place which is perfect for him.

The moment we sat, he immediately uttered yet another one liner. “Hmmm, good music, great seats, a Christmas tree and my favorite mocha frappucinno on the table – what could be better than this”. I simply chuckled!

At last, the fruits are bearing, albeit sporadically. I am encouraged. It’s not too often I see my sons finally metamorphosing into the person GOD wants them to be.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Word of Mouth

People don’t believe what you tell them.
They rarely believe what you show them.
They often believe what their friends tell them.
They always believe what they tell themselves.

Thus said the marketing dictum from a Blog Site I frequently visit.

I really liked the last portion. Which is summed up in the phrase " Word of Mouth".
Ah, the mouth. Powered by the tongue. A very small yet, like the rudder of the ship, very influential element of the body.

No wonder, people who have had the most powerful impact in this world are those with excellent communication skills. Communicators who rely on sweet tongue and the persuasive effect it brings.

The terrifying scriptural warning is that eventually, 'we will all be accountable for every thought, deed and words we utter on the day of judgment." Moral of the story? The news you hear from yourfriends can sum up the kind of person you are.

Power of the Pitch

I was reading this advertising book titled "Power of the Pitch". T'was one of a kind read! Folksy, unpretentious and full of useful tips.!

In fact, am just skimming past the first 3 chapters and already, my thoughts run wild how to apply powerful principles.

From clothing to nailcutting, its a must read for Sales Professionals! The one idea which stuck on my head is that " we are being watched (and judged) all the time". And these creates powerful impressions and perceptions. Perceptions, which left unattended, could lead to people getting us misunderstood.

But before anything else, check your innermost desires, thoughts and motivations. These drives your actions. And eventually the image that your character projects is what people perceive.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Measure of a Man

Live truth instead of professing it.

This is best measure of a man. Its in the doing, not in the talking. After all, when all things are said and done, its how you have lived your life, leaving a legacy behind and a name to bear that legacy.

What about you? What do you want people to remember you about?

Monday, November 06, 2006

"So Others May Live"

Thus said the motto of the U.S Coast Guard from the movie 'The Guardian".

Today, my eldest son (aged 10) and I watched the movie with gusto. Yep, you guessed it right! We had our one-on-one session.

Part of my routine every week (or as much as my time can afford it) is to indulge in an uninterrupted 2-3 hrs engaging my two boys mano-a-mano.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

I like the following quotes I can't help but capture them here. Pretty soon, I will attempt to share my thoughts on these cliche too..

1. "Many people will walk in and out of your life,But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. "

2. "Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;If he betrays you twice, it is your fault. "

3. "He who loses money, loses much;He, who loses a friend, loses much more;He, who loses faith, loses all. "

4. "Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,But beautiful old people are works of art.

5. "Learn from the mistakes of others."

My favorite of all is the last item. To tough to apply? Perhaps. But another cliche said, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!!

Reports Reports Reports

Yes, we all are too familiar with this word. Some shirk. Others liven up. Still most dread at the thought of having to create one weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.

But I like what I read today. It is about the need for creating one. The story goes that in a popular hotel chain, their GM's are required to fill out a monthly report explaining variances from forecast.

A California GM was certain that no one was reading the report, so he put in a comment in a mid-summer report explaining a profit shortfall due to excess snow plowing costs. Nobody ever called him on it!

Winter tool expense at mid-summer! Well well well, I thought $100 for a coke in a govt expense contract claim is worse!

Handling People

"To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart". I loved this leadership passage! But how relevant is this cliche in this day and age? Lets examine...

Historically, we are plagued by leaders, business or otherwise, who have stormed the world by their dogged determination, perilous pursuits, vivacious visions and extraordinary charm and charisma. They however fall as fast as they rise.

Paradox? Maybe. Maybe not.

Today, as we move towards a more informed workforce, we are soon becoming creatures of high-tech slavery! Slavery that we lost person to person conversation. We lost touch. We lost our ability to thank people for small favors we ask. We become aliens to our human counterparts. Its becoming too impersonal.

Ask anybody what they think is the best leader they have came across. Without batting an eyelash, most will tell you it is those individuals whom they have built connections with. Connections which can only be discerned by the heart.

I don't know about you but, as for me, I better get this post done in order for me to apply this principle-and fast-before I lose my people to someone else. Cheers!

Comments please..

Great Minds

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events;Small minds discuss people. Thus said Eleanor Roosevelt. She couldn't have been more right.

My twist is - A Christian mind thinks of ideas to change events in order to influence people - to turn to GOD!

In this day and age, all we need is another magic pill or silver bullet to dodge problems, Christian problems at that. Let's face it, in reality problems are opportunites in disguise. It's either you face it, get over it or duck it. Whatever your response to it, it is your character.



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